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My SingTel AccountA one-stop application that allows you to view your SingTel bills, manage your mobile services, check data usage and even subscribe to overseas data roaming, all on the go! You may also redeem points to enjoy SingTel rebates and exclusive deals through our Red Rewards program. For more details, please go to FAQ page, http://www.ideas.singtel.com/mobile/support/faq.jsp.A)MyBill View PDF copy of your monthly SingTel bill for the last six months. If you are not on eBill, please register with us at https://mybill.singtel.com before setting up your ONEPASS profile on the Android phone. B)MyMobile Save time and effort by managing your Mobile Services on your Android phone. You can: - Check your handset upgrade eligibility - View your Mobile Service and Value Added Services detailC)Data Usage Check latest local and roaming data usage record wherever you are. You can: - Avoid bill shock by checking data usage on-the-go - Get familiar with your data usage to decide which BroadBand on Mobile plan is suitable to your needs- Manage alert notification via SMS or email when your local data usage reaches 90% of your usage limitNote: data usage record will be updated once a day and the data may vary from your actual SingTel bill. D)RoamingWith DataRoam Saver, you can now enjoy data roaming on the communicated network at a fixed rate per plan coverage period (1 day, 3 days, 5 days).You can subscribe up to 7 days prior to your trip and to check your data roaming usage, set your usage limits, alert settings!Please visit www.singtel.com/dataroam for more details.E)This Week’s Hot Deals You can check out the latest handset offers and prices every weekend, wherever you are. F)Red Rewards A rewards program that allows SingTel customers to redeem their Red Rewards points for SingTel services and an exciting array of merchant rewards


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