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MATLAB Mobile电脑版「含模拟器」




MATLAB Mobile电脑版介绍

Note To use MATLAB Mobile, you will need a MATLAB license that is current on MathWorks Software Maintenance Service. Connect to MATLAB remotely from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. MATLAB Mobile is a lightweight desktop on your iOS device that connects to a MATLAB session running on the MathWorks Cloud or on your computer. From the convenience of your iOS device, you can run scripts, create figures, and view results. MATLAB Mobile Features Command-line access to MATLAB Access to your MATLAB workspace Ability to view MATLAB figures on your iOS device Record of commands typed on the iOS device in your command history Custom keyboard MathWorks Cloud connectivity and storage Windows, Mac, and Linux connectivity Limitations MATLAB Mobile does not support MATLAB apps, such as SPTool and Curve Fitting Tool Creating graphical user interfaces using GUIDE MATLAB Editor Simulink graphical environment, but the "sim" command is supported at the MATLAB Mobile command line Interaction with 3D figures About MATLAB MATLAB is the leading technical computing software for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric computation. MATLAB is used in a wide range of applications, including signal and image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Requirements One of the following MATLAB licenses - Professional or aCADemic license for R2012a or later with an up-to-date MathWorks Software Maintenance Service contract. - MATLAB

MATLAB Mobile电脑版截图

  • MATLAB Mobile电脑版截图1
  • MATLAB Mobile电脑版截图2
  • MATLAB Mobile电脑版截图3
  • MATLAB Mobile电脑版截图4
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