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Yandex Go电脑版「含模拟器」




Yandex Go电脑版介绍

Yandex Go,一般又称Yandex Taxi。

Yandex.Taxi The app lets you order a taxi and get on your way as quickly as possible (10 minutes on average) from anywhere in Moscow without even having to call the operator. Yandex has around 2,500 taxi drivers on constant standby, while your order is issued to the available drivers nearest to you. - Forget about ringing around endless taxi firms, your order will be sent directly to all our service partners*.- Your order will be sent to the taxi drivers nearest to you to ensure you get your taxi as soon as possible.- Select the most suitable price or company, and the app will automatically find a matching car.- Track the location of your cab on the map so you don't need to guess where it is or where the car parked.- Rate the service quality at the end of your trip, this will be used to rate each driver and improve our service. * Yandex.Taxi partners: Taxi-Ritm, Taksik, Taxi@SMS, Taxi Pilot, GLOBUS TAXI, XXL-TAXI, NowTaxi, Glavavtoprokat, CityMobil, Megapolis taxi, Taxi#1, Stolichnyi kucher, Taxi Soyuz, Millenium Taxi, Formula taxi, Buket taxi.

Yandex Go电脑版截图

  • Yandex Go电脑版截图1
  • Yandex Go电脑版截图2
  • Yandex Go电脑版截图3
  • Yandex Go电脑版截图4
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