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droid Survey Offline Forms





droid Survey Offline Forms介绍

Designed for data collection research on tablet and smartphone mobile devices. The survey software can also be set up as a kiosk for unattended questionnaire studies.Use droid SURVEY on a tablet or smartphone to conduct your survey questionnaires, gather survey study results and then view them on your computer for analysis. Your market research participants will love droid SURVEY because it is a new and interesting way to complete surveys and polls. Your interviewers will love it for survey intercepts because they no longer have to carry forms and clipboards to collect data - just a tablet or one of the smaller Android phone devices. You don’t need an Internet connection while you are conducting market research surveys. Your results are stored safely on the device until uploaded to your droid SURVEY website account. droid SURVEY software can automatically upload your results for you when your device has an Internet connection or alternatively, you can choose to upload results manually at your convenience.droid SURVEY is free to try however please note there is a charge for unrestricted access to your survey results.How does droidSURVEY work? 1. Download the droidSURVEY app onto your tablet or phone from Google Play2. Register for a free account on www.droidsurvey.com 3. Create your survey questionnaire using our intuitive survey creation tool. 4. Load the survey onto your device(s). 5. You are now ready to conduct your survey data collection. 6. Upload the interview results to the website the next time you have an Internet connection. 7. Download the survey results from your website account in CSV file format, SPSS or analyze your study using droid SURVEY’s online graphical tools. You can have as many interviewers surveying and collecting data on Android tablets or smartphones as you want for no extra cost. You pay only for the survey.You don’t have to pay a cent to try droid SURVEY software. We want you to be sure that droid SURVEY is the right research tool for you. Try droid SURVEY for free.SOFTWARE FEATURES- SURVEY OFFLINE: no internet connection is required while you are conducting market research surveys. Your mobile data collection results are stored safely on the device until uploaded to your Droid Survey website account. - MULTIPLE SURVEYS ON YOUR DEVICE(S): you can have as many surveys as you like on your device(s). Just change to a different survey when you need to. No internet connection needed for this.- KIOSK SOFTWARE: use your Tablet as a kiosk with Droid Survey. Automatic restarting of the questionnaire if it is paused for a certain amount of time that you choose. - UNLIMITED DEVICES: you can use as many data collection devices as you need to for your surveys.- RESULTS: you can gather up to 3,000 results per questionnaire - more than enough for most people. Let us know if you need more.- QUESTION TYPES: over 10 question types including Validated Email, Single Select and Multiple Select with Other, None of the above and selectable images.- SKIP LOGIC: Configure your survey to miss questions based on the previous answers.- GPS LOCATION: You can set up your survey poll to record GPS Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates of your survey device.- MULTILINGUAL: The Droid Survey App supports Spanish, Danish, German, French, Portuguese, Arabic and English.- AUTOMATIC UPLOAD OF STUDY RESULTS: if you choose, Droid Survey can automatically upload your market research results for you when your device has an Internet connection. Alternatively, you can upload results manually at your convenience.- STANDARD FORMAT RESULTS: results are available in various layouts using the standard Comma Separated Values (CSV) format and SPSS format.- REAL TIME CHARTING: get immediate insight into how your market research survey is progressing as the results come in.- WHITE LABEL SURVEY SOFTWARE: talk to us about how DroidSurvey can be set up for your brand and our options for enterprise clients.

手机droid Survey Offline Forms最新版截图

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  • droid Survey Offline Forms截图2
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  • droid Survey Offline Forms截图4
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