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Fighting Trainer





Fighting Trainer介绍

A flawless demonstration of real fighting moves.

• 70+ punches, kicks & combinations 
• 10+ World class moves and combinations, including Superman Punch 
• High quality, realistic animations* 
• 360° view 
• slow motion option

*All moves are motion-captured by a professional kick-boxing trainer with the help of 4 different world champions.

The Fighting Trainer app is the perfect tool for practitioners of martial arts. The app gives users access to a large database of digitally animated martial arts techniques which can be used as reference for practise sessions during your free time. These techniques are fully motion captured by the Dutch martial arts fighter and trainer Erwin van der Helm, promising you an accurate portrayal of the real life techniques.

The realistic motion captured animations ignore the boundaries of conventional video, as users can now freely rotate the camera and look at the action from whatever angle they prefer. Fighting Trainer also lets you pause and slow down the animated character. You have all the tools you need to see every little detail.

With over 70 different moves, which are ranked by difficulty, Fighting Trainer has an expansive list of moves for you to practise. Move types include punches, kicks and combinations. Fighting Trainer also has a list for World Class moves, which are signature moves used by professional martial arts fighters.

手机Fighting Trainer最新版截图

  • Fighting Trainer截图1
  • Fighting Trainer截图2
  • Fighting Trainer截图3
  • Fighting Trainer截图4
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